Stop it!!

Ive been reading this book by Alan Watts called, ‘Wisdom of Insecurity’. I quote a sentence from the book for reference.

“The hard-bitten kind of person is always, as it were, a partial suicide; some of himself is already dead”.

Alan Watts

I have come across tough people who have collapsed at some point of time. They become helpless and try hard to put an act of being tough.

Stop –

STOP Being so tough. Or rather putting an act of toughness.

STOP Searching for answers. Somethings are beautiful when left unanswered.

STOP – Masking – Unmask- start doing this, no matter how embarrassing it is. It benefits you and to hell with people who do not acknowledge.

STOP- being what you are not.

STOP being right all the time. Don’t struggle so hard to be right.

If you mask yourself too much, a time will surely come when you will be tired of this anti-thesis within you.

You will lose your own identity trying to confirm every time with the masked YOU.

No one is perfect, and I surely don’t want to be perfect.

Love your flaws!!

And something that I do subconsciously , laughing a lot without a reason. Well, what a blessing!! Keep laughing.

When I laugh a lot people think I’m insane and that I’m beautiful but brainless. I’m none, thank you very much!!

Rashmi Malapur

3 thoughts on “Stop it!!

  1. Beautiful Rashmi. Simple and straight from the heart.
    I feel it’s easy to act tough and takes lot of courage to show your weaker side. Weakness is not celebrated.

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