The Aim

Nakul Arora has just nailed it so well. Fantastic piece…do read and keep sharing!!!

Just A Crazy Dreamer

In this intricate web of existence, the aim is so beautifully simple;

To exist as it is; With the awareness and acceptance of the black, the white and the gray, both within and without;

To live fully attached while being utterly detached;

To embrace the world(Maya) without, while keeping alive the recluse(Vairagi) within;

To be in the moment, simultaneously alive and dead;

To discover the Stillness(Shiva) within each Movement(Shakti) and the Movement(Shakti) within each Stillness(Shiva).

To be nothing in it all, To be It all in the nothingness:the eternal zero(Shunya);

The aim is to simply Be; As one is, In the here, In the now;

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